Names PK Davé CEO of Sabinsa’s Consumer Goods Division February 3, 2025 Sabinsa, the multi-national health science company known for providing sustainable, natural,
Dear Colleagues —
North American Reishi, Ltd (Nammex) has filed a citizen petition with FDA requesting that the agency correct mislabeling of dietary supplements and functional foods containing mushrooms. (Please see attached press release.)
The principal issue at hand is the distinction between fruiting body mushroom and mycelium. Currently, both terms are being used in the consumer marketplace at a time of tremendous growth and opportunity for the mushroom category. For some years, Nammex has been concerned that should this issue of proper labeling for mushroom-containing foods and supplements not be addressed, greater confusion and possibly consumer deception will grow as well.
This story has also been covered recently by NutraIngredients. Here is the LINK to their coverage, where you will find additional links to take you to the citizen petition itself and other relevant documents.
Nammex is a UNPA member, and we will continue to report to you as well as discuss internally the importance of resolution of this matter.
Names PK Davé CEO of Sabinsa’s Consumer Goods Division February 3, 2025 Sabinsa, the multi-national health science company known for providing sustainable, natural,
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