Nammex Publishes Study to Clarify Chaga Analytical Techniques Gibsons, BC, Canada (March 25, 2025) – Nammex, the premier North American supplier of Certified
January 29, 2024
Contact: Becky Wright
UNPA Media Relations
Washington –Five of the major trade associations representing the dietary supplements industry – American Herbal Products Assoc. (AHPA), Consumer Healthcare Products Assoc. (CHPA), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), Natural Products Assoc. (NPA) and United Natural Products Alliance (UNPA) – today announced their unified support of the re-establishment of the Congressional Dietary Supplement Caucus (CDSC). The caucus’ request for registration as a Congressional Member Organization (CMO) for the 118th Congress was led by co-chairs Rep. John Curtis (R-Utah) and Rep. Tony Cárdenas (D-Calif.).
The bipartisan group serves as a forum for the exchange of new ideas and information related to dietary supplements and will conduct educational briefings to inform members of Congress and their staff about the evolving legislative and regulatory landscape facing the industry today. More than 30 members of Congress are anticipated to comprise the caucus.
In an official request to the Committee on House Administration, the lawmakers said the reformation of the caucus was “to discuss…the benefits of dietary supplements, provide tips and insights for better health and wellness, and to promote research into the health care savings these products provide.” They added that “the caucus seeks to enhance Congressional attention to the role of supplements in promotion, disease prevention and address the regulation of the supplement industry.”
Some of the issues that may be focused on this year include reform of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), expansion of Flexible Spending Account/Health Savings Account (FSA/HSA) regulations to include supplements as qualified reimbursable expenses, and funding for greater oversight by FDA.
“I am pleased to re-launch this caucus with Representative Cárdenas,” said Rep. Curtis. “The dietary supplements industry is one of the largest industries in Utah and this caucus will serve as an important platform to educate others about the industry and policies that help promote healthy lifestyles.”
“I am thrilled to reestablish the Congressional Dietary Supplement Caucus in the 118th Congress,” said Congressman Cárdenas. “As Co-Chair, I am eager to foster a space for discussion about the many benefits of dietary supplements, the vital role that suppliers and manufacturers play in broadening nutritional options for consumers, and the importance of meaningful research on these issues. I believe this caucus will allow robust discussion that will culminate into action that betters the wellness of so many across the country.”
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The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), founded in 1973, is a Washington, D.C.-based trade association representing more than 200 dietary supplement and functional food manufacturers, ingredient suppliers, and companies providing services to those manufacturers and suppliers. In addition to complying with a host of federal and state regulations governing dietary supplements and food in the areas of manufacturing, marketing, quality control and safety, our manufacturer and supplier members also agree to adhere to additional voluntary guidelines as well as to CRN’s Code of Ethics. For more information, visit Follow us on Twitter @CRN_Supplements and LinkedIn.
The Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), founded in 1881, is the national trade association representing the leading manufacturers and marketers of consumer healthcare products, including over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, dietary supplements, and consumer medical devices. CHPA is committed to empowering self-care by ensuring that Americans have access to products they can count on to be reliable, affordable, and convenient, while also delivering new and better ways to get and stay healthy. Visit
Founded in 1982, the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) is the national trade association and voice of the herbal and natural products industries. AHPA is comprised of more than 350 member companies, consisting primarily of growers, processors, manufacturers and marketers of herbs and herbal products as foods, dietary supplements, and cosmetics, and also including companies that provide expert services to the herbal trade. The Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA), founded in 1881, is the national trade association representing the leading manufacturers and marketers of consumer healthcare products, including over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, dietary supplements, and consumer medical devices. CHPA is committed to empowering self-care by ensuring that Americans have access to products they can count on to be reliable, affordable, and convenient, while also delivering new and better ways to get and stay healthy. Visit
Founded in 1936, the Natural Products Association (NPA) is the nation’s largest and oldest nonprofit organization dedicated to the natural products industry. NPA represents over 1,100 members accounting for more than 10,000 retail, manufacturing, wholesale, and distribution locations of natural products, including foods, dietary supplements, and health/beauty aids. The association supports a strong grassroots network of members and consumers who are passionate about products that contribute to healthier lifestyles. Headquartered in Washington, DC, NPA has been the leading industry watchdog for 80 years, acting as an advocate on regulatory and legislative issues affecting natural products.
United Natural Products Alliance (UNPA) is an international trade association representing many leading natural products, dietary supplement, functional food, scientific and technology and related service companies that share a commitment to provide consumers with natural health products of superior quality, benefit and reliability. Founded in Utah in 1991, UNPA was instrumental in the passage of the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) and continues to take a leadership position in legislative and regulatory issues and industry best practices. To learn more about the UNPA, visit
Nammex Publishes Study to Clarify Chaga Analytical Techniques Gibsons, BC, Canada (March 25, 2025) – Nammex, the premier North American supplier of Certified
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